By Mahnaz Abdi

All-China Journalists Association hosts Tehran Times

May 15, 2024 - 15:27

BEIJING- As the representative of my country and also the Tehran Times, I was invited to visit All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) in Beijing.

The invitation was made by Mr. Wang Chuanjun, from the International Liaison Department of ACJA.

During the visit, Mr. Wang showed me different parts of the building and briefed me on the activities of the ACJA.

After a while, Mr. Nicolas Zhang, the acting director of Asian, African and Latin American Affairs in the ACJA, joined us and explained more about the association for me.

We had a very fruitful and informative negotiations, expressed our desire for the expansion of media relations, and discussed the possible ways of such expansion between Iran and China, the two countries that have a very strong bilateral political-economic relation.

Thanks to Mr. Wang for the invitation.

All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) is a national non-governmental organization composed of the press institutions at the national level, journalists associations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, journalists associations of special trades, and major institutions engaged in journalism education and research.

As a non-governmental organization well known in press circles both at home and abroad, ACJA has 217 institutional members including local and professional journalists associations, which embraces a total of more than 1,000,000 people engaged in journalism.

The supreme decision-making body of ACJA is the Board of Directors with five years in each term. The directors, elected by the institutional members, include heads of media organizations, noted public figures within the profession and outstanding editors, reporters and program hosts. The secretariat appointed by the standing committee of the Board of Directors handles daily affairs. There are four departments and one center in this Association. They are the Domestic Work Department, the International Liaison Department, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Department, the General Office and the Journalism Training Center.

ACJA carries out the nation-wide journalism awards. There is an award named by Fan Changjiang, a famous Chinese reporter. It is specially set for the reporters. Another award named by Zou Taofen is to give reward to the outstanding editors. All of the awards organized by ACJA are the most important awards in China, which presents the highest respect and regard to the journalists.

ACJA takes responsibility of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of journalists. It carries out self-discipline and professional ethics education, and criticizes the behaviors that violate the professional ethics.

ACJA has so far, in various forms, established exchanges and cooperative relations with press institutions of more than 100 countries across the world. It sponsors bilateral and multilateral exchanges with foreign press institutions, sends Chinese press delegations abroad and receives foreign journalists, provides services to foreign correspondents stationed in Beijing such as arranging reportage trips, holding press conferences, news release sessions, international seminars and workshops, and organizing visits and various recreational activities; and participating in activities arranged by international journalists organizations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  

Photo: Wang Chuanjun briefs the Tehran Times’ journalist on the ACJA’s major activities.

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